21Charging the BatteryUpon purchase, the battery is not fully charged.Recharge the battery before using.Recharge the battery on the day before or on the day it is to beused.Even during storage, a charged battery will gradually drain and loseits power.After recharging the battery, detach it and unplug the chargerfrom the power outlet.When not using the camera, remove the battery.If the battery is left in the camera for a prolonged period, a smallamount of power current is released, resulting in excess dischargeand shorter battery life. Store the battery with the protective cover(provided) attached. Storing the battery after it is fully charged canlower the battery’s performance.The battery charger can also be used in foreign countries.The battery charger is compatible with a 100 V AC to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz power source. If necessary, attach a commercially-availableplug adapter for the respective country or region. Do not attach anyportable voltage transformer to the battery charger. Doing so candamage the battery charger.If the battery becomes exhausted quickly even after being fullycharged, the battery has reached the end of its service life.Purchase a new battery.Tips for Using the Battery and ChargerAfter disconnecting the charger’s power plug, do not touch the prongs forat least 3 sec.Do not charge any battery other than a Battery Pack LP-E10.The Battery Pack LP-E10 is dedicated to Canon products only. Using itwith an incompatible battery charger or product may result in malfunctionor accidents for which Canon cannot be held liable.COPY