2312345678CoverPreliminary Notesand Legal InformationContents: BasicOperationsAdvanced GuideCamera BasicsSmart AutoModeOther ShootingModesPlayback ModeSetting MenuAccessoriesAppendixIndexBasic GuideP Mode3 When a message is displayedprompting you to connectthe camera, connect it to acomputer.zz With the camera turned off, open thecover ( ). With the smaller plug of theUSB cable in the orientation shown,insert the plug fully into the cameraterminal ( ).zz Insert the larger plug of the USB cablein the computer’s USB port. For detailsabout USB connections on the computer,refer to the computer user manual.4 Install the files.zz Turn the camera on, and follow theon-screen instructions to complete theinstallation process.XX The software will connect to the Internetto update to the latest version anddownload new functions. Installation maytake some time, depending on computerperformance and the Internet connection.zz Click [Finish] or [Restart] on the screenafter installation.zz Turn the camera off and disconnect thecable.• Using the software, you can update to the latest version, and download newfunctions via the Internet (some software excluded).• The first time you connect the camera to the computer, drivers will be installed,so it may take a few minutes until camera images are accessible.• Because the content and functions of software vary according to the cameramodel, if you have several cameras, you must use each camera to update toits latest version of the software.