READ CAREFULLY BEFORE OPENINGTHE SEALED DISK PACKAGECANON SOFTWARE LICENSEAGREEMENTIMPORTANT-READ THIS AGREEMENT BEFOREOPENING THE SEALED DISK PACKAGE! BYOPENING THE SEALED DISK PACKAGE, YOU AREDEEMED TO AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THISAGREEMENT.This legal document is a license agreement between youand CANON ELECTRONICS INC. (“Canon”). BY OPENINGTHE SEALED DISK PACKAGE, YOU ARE DEEMED TOAGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OFTHIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT OPEN THE SEALED DISKPACKAGE AND PROMPTLY RETURN THE CANONSCANNER, THE DISK PACKAGE CONTAINING SCANNERDRIVER SOFTWARE PROGRAMS AND/OR SCANNERUTILITY SOFTWARE PROGRAM PROPRIETARY TOCANON OR ITS LICENSOR (THE “SOFTWARE”) AND THEACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION AND OTHER ITEMSTO THE PLACE WHERE YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR AREFUND BEFORE THEY ARE USED OR OPENED ORUNPACKED.In consideration of the right to use the SOFTWARE, youagree to abide by the terms and conditions of thisAgreement.1. GRANT OF LICENSE: Canon grants you the personal,non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE only on a singlecomputer. You shall need to obtain multiple licensesseparately from Canon when you shall install theSOFTWARE on multiple computers.You shall not assign, sublicense, sell, rent, lease, loan,convey or transfer to any third party, or send or bring theSOFTWARE out of the country where you originally obtainit to other countries without required authorization ofapplicable governments, or copy, duplicate, translate orconvert to another programming language the SOFTWAREor accompanying documentation, except as expresslyprovided herein.Except as expressly permitted under the applicable law, youshall not alter, modify, disassemble, decompile orotherwise reverse engineer the SOFTWARE oraccompanying documentation and you also shall not haveany third party do so.2. BACK-UP COPY: You may make one copy of theSOFTWARE solely for a back-up purpose or copy theSOFTWARE onto the permanent storage device (e.g. a harddisk) of your computer and retain the original for a back-uppurpose. Except as expressly permitted under theapplicable law, any other copying of the SOFTWARE is aviolation of this Agreement. You must reproduce andinclude the copyright notice on the back-up copy.3. SUPPORT AND UPDATE: Canon, Canon’s affiliate, theirdistributor or dealer is not responsible for maintaining orhelping you to use the SOFTWARE. No updates, fixes orsupport will be made available for the SOFTWARE.4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OFINDEMNITY: Canon, Canon’s affiliate, their distributor ordealer will not guarantee uninterrupted service, or absenceor correction of errors. Therefore, the SOFTWARE islicensed on an “AS IS” basis without warranty of any kind.The diskette on which the SOFTWARE is recorded iswarranted against defective material or workmanshipunder normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from thedate you purchased the same as evidenced by a receipt orotherwise. The limited warranty does not apply if the failureof the diskette resulted from accident, abuse ormisapplication of the SOFTWARE and shall not extend toanyone other than the original user of the SOFTWARE.CANON, CANON’S AFFILIATE, THEIR DISTRIBUTOR ORDEALER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECTTO THE SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYINGDOCUMENTATION.NEITHER CANON, CANON’S AFFILIATE, THEIRDISTRIBUTOR NOR DEALER IS LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS ORDAMAGE INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALLOSS OR DAMAGE SUCH AS LOSS OF PROFITS, EXPENSEOR INCONVENIENCE, WHATSOEVER CAUSED BY ORARISING OUT OF THE SOFTWARE, ACCOMPANYINGDOCUMENTATION OR THE USE THEREOF.CANON, CANON’S AFFILIATE, THEIR DISTRIBUTOR ORDEALER SHALL HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFYYOU AGAINST ANY CLAIM OR SUIT BROUGHT BY ATHIRD PARTY ALLEGING THAT THE SOFTWARE,ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION OR THE USETHEREOF INFRINGES ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFSUCH THIRD PARTY.THE ABOVE IS CANON’S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUREXCLUSIVE REMEDY IN CONNECTION WITH THESOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION.5. TERM: This Agreement is effective upon opening thesealed disk package and remains in effect until terminated.You may terminate this Agreement by destroying theSOFTWARE and any copy thereof. This Agreement will alsoterminate if you fail to comply with any of the terms of thisAgreement. In addition to Canon enforcing its respectivelegal rights, you must then promptly destroy theSOFTWARE and any copy thereof.6. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: TheSOFTWARE is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions as setforth in either subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights inTechnical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARs252.227-7013 or subparagraph (c) (1) and (2) of theCommercial Computer Software Restricted Rights Clauseat FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.7. SEVERABILITY: In the event that provision of thisAgreement is declared or found to be illegal by any court ortribunal of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall benull and void with respect to the jurisdiction of that court ortribunal and all the remaining provisions of this Agreementshall remain in full force and effect.8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: BY OPENING THE SEALED DISKPACKAGE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READTHIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTOOD IT, AND AGREE TO BEBOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSOAGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS THE COMPLETE ANDEXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOUAND CANON CONCERNING THE SUBJECT MATTERHEREOF AND SUPERSEDES ALL PROPOSALS OR PRIORAGREEMENTS, VERBAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHERCOMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN YOU AND CANONRELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. NOAMENDMENT TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVEUNLESS SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE OF CANON.Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement,or if you desire to contact Canon for any reason, pleasewrite to Canon’s local affiliate.