COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. CANON DADF-J1 REV.0 MAR. 2001 iINTRODUCTION1 Symbols UsedThis documentation uses the following symbols to indicate special information:Symbol DescriptionIndicates an item requiring care to avoid combustion (fire).Indicates an item prohibiting disassembly to avoid electric shocks or problems.Indicates an item requiring disconnection of the power plug from the electricoutlet.Indicates an item intended to provide notes assisting the understanding of thetopic in question.MemoIndicates an item of reference assisting the understanding of the topic in ques-tion.REF.Provides a description of a service mode.Provides a description of the nature of an error indication.Refers to the Copier Basics Series for a better understanding of the contents.Indicates an item of a non-specific nature, possibly classified as Note, Caution,or Warning.Indicates an item requiring care to avoid electric shocks.