DEPARTMENTAL SYSTEMSBusinesses of all sizes are looking for ways to staycompetitive in today’s complex and challenging environ-ment. You require solutions that can do more than justhandle everyday business tasks—they must increaseefficiency, improve workflow productivity, and makeyour work stand above the rest.That’s why Canon is pleased to present the new color-enabled imageRUNNER C3100 Series. This latest additionto the imageRUNNER family leverages Canon’s renownedexpertise in monochrome print engine design and opensa new world of color capabilities that can distinguish yourbusiness brilliantly from all others.The Canon imageRUNNER C3100 Series. It will guaranteethat you get compliments on all your business communi-cations—every time!COMPLEMENT YOUR BUSINESSCOMMUNICATIONS ANDEFFECTIVENESS.Introducing the color-enabledCanon imageRUNNER® C3100 Series…The ultimate digitalmultifunction imaging systemwith color capabilities tocomplement yourevery business need.