38S T E P 2Remove Dust and Scratches(CanoScan D2400U only)This function is available with CanoScan D2400U and FAU-S13 when [Film] isselected in the [Preferences] menu, and the film type is set to [Color Positives] or[Color Negatives]. The FARE (Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement]function automatically produces a scanned image with the areas under small bits ofdirt or scratches removed. The available settings are [None], [Soft], [Standard] and[Hard].Soft: Compensates for high-contrast dirt and scratches. At this setting,it may not be possible to restore areas under large flecks of dirt orscratches.Standard: This setting is recommended for most purposes.Hard: Compensates for low-contrast dirt and scratches. Although its mayrestore areas under large flecks of dirt or scratches, it may leaveartifacts after processing.Caution• This function cannot be used with black and white film. It may also fail tohave any effect on KODACHROME film.• Areas under dirt and scratches may not be removed if the selected scanarea is too small.• There are occasions when areas under dirt or scratches on the top orbottom edges cannot be removed.• If the edge of the film guide is included in the scan area, the areas underdirt or scratches at the boundaries of the scan area may not be removed.• The Remove Dust and Scratches function will not work at resolutionsabove 2400 dpi. Please reset the output resolution at, or within, 25 and2400 dpi. In addition, lower the magnification so that the scanningresolution remains at 2400 dpi or less. If, for example, the output resolu-tion is set to 1200 dpi and the magnification to 400%, the resultingscanning resolution is 4800 dpi, or four times the output resolution. (1200dpi x 400% = 4800 dpi)Operating ProceduresOpen the [Image] menu and select [Hard], [Standard] or [Soft] fromthe [Remove Dust and Scratches] submenu.