171. Open the door and load the drum withlaundry. Ensure that garments do not hinderclosure of the door.2. Gently close the door pushing it slowly untilyou hear the door 'click' shut.3. Turn the Programme Selector dial to selectthe required drying programme (seeProgramme Guide).4. If drying synthetics, acrylics or delicate items,press the Acrylics/Synthetics button toreduce the heat level.The light next to the push button will lightup when the machine is in low heat setting.To deselect in the first few minutes of theprogramme, press the Acrylics/Syntheticsbutton, after this time reset the machine tochange the setting.5. Press the Start/Pause button. The dryer willstart automatically and the DRY indicatorwill be continuously lit.6. If the door is opened during the programmeto check the laundry, it is necessary to pressStart/Pause to recommence drying after thedoor has been closed.7. When the cycle is nearing completion themachine will enter the cool down phase, theclothes will be tumbled in cool air allowingthe load to cool down.8. When the programme is complete the ENDindicator will light.9. Following the completion of the cycle thedrum will rotate intermittently to minimizecreasing. This will continue until themachine is switched OFF or the door isopened.OperationWARNING!The drum, doorand load may bevery hot.40006040.qxd 03/07/2009 10:37 Page 17