Black plate (57,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2011Driving and Operating 9-57How the System WorksLeft Side MirrorDisplayRight Side MirrorDisplayWhen the vehicle is started, bothoutside mirror displays will brieflycome on to indicate that the systemis operating. When the vehicle ismoving forward, the left or right sidemirror SBZA display will light up ifa vehicle is detected in that blindzone. If the turn signal is activatedand a vehicle is also detected onthe same side, the SBZA display willflash to give you extra warning notto change lanes.SBZA displays do not come onwhile the vehicle is approaching orpassing other vehicles. At speedsgreater then 32 km/h (20 mph),SBZA displays may come on whena vehicle you have passed remainsin or drops back into thedetection zone.SBZA can be disabled through theDriver Information Center (DIC).See Driver Information Center (DIC)on page 5‑26 for more information.If the SBZA is disabled by thedriver, the SBZA mirror displays willnot light up during normal driving.When the System Does Not SeemTo Work ProperlyOccasional missed alerts canoccur under normal circumstancesand will increase in wet conditions.The system does not need to beserviced due to an occasionalmissed alert. The number of missedalerts will increase with increasedrainfall or road spray.If the SBZA displays do not light upwhen the system is on and vehiclesare in the blind zone, the systemmay need service. Take the vehicleto your dealer.SBZA is designed to ignorestationary objects; however, thesystem may occasionally light updue to guard rails, signs, trees,shrubs, and other stationary objects.This is normal system operation, thevehicle does not need service.SBZA does not operate whenthe left or right corners of therear bumper are covered withmud, dirt, snow, ice, slush, or inheavy rainstorms. For cleaninginstructions, see “Washing theVehicle” under Exterior Care onpage 10‑90. If the DIC still displaysthe SIDE BLIND ZONE SYS.UNAVAILABLE message aftercleaning the bumper, see yourdealer.InformationProvidedby: