Operation Mobile Computer MC 92N0 exType 17-A1A.-………… and Type B7-A2A.-…………52/78 Technical data subject to change without notice..Revision B / 03/2019Vehicle installationRF signals may impair incorrectly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems invehicles (including safety systems). If you have any questions on your vehicle, get in touchwith the manufacturer or a sales person. You can also learn from the manufacturer whetheradditional equipment has been fitted to the vehicle. An airbag has a strong impact. Do NOTplace objects, such as installed or portable radio equipment, in the area above the airbagor in the area of deployment of the airbag. If the radio equipment was not correctly installedin the vehicle, severe injuries may result if the airbag is triggered. Position the device withingood range. Ensure that you have access to the device without having to take your eye offthe road.It is not permitted to connect a warning device which leads to horn sounds or light signalswhen receiving a call in road traffic.Road traffic safetyDo not take any notes and do not use the device when driving. Making a list of to-do’s orbrowsing through the address book when driving has a negative influence on safe driving.When driving on the roads, you must primarily think of your safety and that of the other roadusers. You should therefore concentrate completely on the road. Check the legal provisionson the use of wireless devices in road traffic of the respective region. Always observe these.If you use a wireless device during driving, rely on your good judgment and remember thefollowing:1. Become acquainted with the wireless device and its functions such as the shortcutdialing or dial repetition. These functions may prove to be useful if you would like tomake a call without taking your eye off the road.2. Where possible, use hands-free equipment.3. Let your dialogue partner know that you are behind the steering wheel. Wherenecessary, discontinue the call in dense traffic or poor weather conditions. Rain, sleet,snow, ice and even very dense traffic represent dangers.4. Dial the required numbers carefully and estimate the traffic situation. Make your callswhen you have brought your car to a stop or before you leave. Plan your calls suchthat they can be made when the car is parked. If you really must make a call duringthe trip, only dial a part of the number, check the road and look in the rear view mirrorand then dial the rest of the number.5. Do not surccumb to stressful and emotional telephone conversations which could takeyour attention from the road. Let your dialogue partner know that you are in a car andrefrain from conversations which could take your attention away from the road.