5CAUTION: Asphyxiation RiskThe OxyGenie™ uses Nitrogen (N 2 ) and Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) as part of normal use with the volumereleased externally is inconsequential. In the event of a leak or malfunction this gas release may becomeexcessive. DO NOT OPERATE this unit in a SMALL ENCLOSURE such as a small room or walk‐in closet. Anaccidental release of Nitrogen or Carbon Dioxide could create an asphyxiating atmosphere in a smallspace.If the equipment is not use in a manor specified by the manufacture, the protection provided by theequipment may be impaired.Failure to adhere to these safety instructions could cause serious injury and will invalidate the workstationwarranty. Ruskinn Technology Limited accepts no responsibility for any accident, injury or loss caused byunsafe operation of the workstation.