RIFT OCTAVE FUZZ2TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Project Overview 8 Drill Template2 Introduction & Usage 9 Enclosure Layout3-5 Parts List 10 Wiring Diagram6 Build Notes 11 Licensing7 Schematic 11 Document RevisionsINTRODUCTIONThe Rift Octave Fuzz is a recreation of the Univox Superfuzz, originally developed by the Shin-eicompany in Japan in the late 1960s and called the FY-6. Shin-ei rebadged the circuit for over a dozenother brands such as Apollo, Electra and Hohner. However, the Univox Superfuzz was the most well-known of the brands and today is considered the definitive version of the circuit.The Superfuzz uses a phase splitter followed by a differential pair to emphasize the upper octave. It’svery similar in concept to something like the fOXX Tone Machine, but with the major difference of usingactive transistors instead of diodes to rectify the signal.The Rift includes one modification to lend more flexibility to the circuit. While the original unit only hada tone switch to go between two presets, this project provides the option of using a potentiometer toblend between them so it’s not just full-on one way or the other.The new 125B version of the Rift is identical to the previous one, except that the diode clipping switchhas been removed in favor of a simpler layout that is easier to build. The previous version of the Rift isstill available if you want that option.USAGEThe Rift has the following controls:• Expander is the overall distortion or fuzz level of the effect.• Volume controls the overall output of the effect.• Tone switches between a mid-scooped filter and a flat EQ. Optionally, a pot can be used hereinstead of a switch to allow for blending between the two settings.