FAQs69FAQsThis section lists down frequently asked questions that may arise during the use ofyourAcer p700 Series Portable Navigator, and gives easy answers and solutions tothese questions.Aspect Question AnswerAudio Why is there nosound comingfrom the device?• If the earphones are plugged intothe device, the speaker isautomatically shut off. Disconnectthe earphones.• Check that the device’s volumesettings is not muted. In the Systempanel, tap Volume.• Check that the volume control is notat its lowest setting.Touch screen Why is the touchscreen notresponding tomy finger taps?The screen may have lost its calibration.Recalibrate the screen.MultimediamodeWhy can’t I viewmy picture files?You may be trying to view an image that isnot supported by Photo. Go to "i) PhotoViewer" on page 15 for a list of supportedimage formats.NavigationmodeWhy is it thatsometimes mydevice takeslonger than 5minutes to get aGPS fix?If the previous GPS fix position was more than500 km or 12 hours apart from your currentposition and time, it will take significantlylonger than the standard TTFF time to get aGPS fix. This is due to the nature of the GPSalgorithm and rotational velocity betweenthe satellites and planet Earth, and deemednormal and is not the fault of yourAcer p700Series Portable Navigator device.SysteminformationandperformanceHow do I checkthe OS versionof my device?View the device’s OS version and othertechnical specifications. In the Settings panel,tap Sys Info.