Information for your safety and comfort60Potentially explosive environmentsSwitch off your device when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere andobey all signs and instructions. Potentially explosive atmospheres include areas whereyou would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine. Sparks in such areascould cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. Switch off thedevice at refuelling points such as near gas pumps at service stations. Observerestrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots, storage, and distributionareas; chemical plants; or where blasting operations are in progress. Areas with apotentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. Theyinclude below deck on boats, chemical transfer or storage facilities, vehicles usingliquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or butane), and areas where the air containschemicals or particles such as grain, dust or metal powders.Disposal instructionsDo not throw this electronic device into the trash when discarding. To minimizepollution and ensure utmost protection of the global environment, please recycle. Formore information on the Waste from Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE)regulations, visit advisoryFor projectors or electronic products containing an LCD / CRT monitor or display:Lamp(s) inside this product contain mercury and must be recycled or disposed ofaccording to local, state or federal laws. For more information, contact the ElectronicIndustries Alliance at For lamp-specific disposal information,