Acer p700 Series Portabl e Navigator fundamentalsRecharging the Acer p700 Series Portable Navigator8Recharging theAcer p700 Series Portable NavigatorYourAcer p700 Series Portable Navigator uses a rechargeable 1100 mAh Lithium ionbattery. The status icon located on the top right corner of the Main Menu screenindicates the level of the device’s battery power.If the battery level becomes low in the course of normal use, recharge the device.Normally, you can use the wall charger to recharge your device.You can use the Mini USB Sync cable to recharge your Acer p700 Series from acomputer, or the car charger cable bundled with your device. Recharging time variesdepending on type of charge, but a charge from empty to full capacity is typically atabout 3 hours.NOTE: If the battery level reaches very low status, the device will automatically turn off. Inthis case, you have about 15 days to recharge your device after which you risk losing all dataon the device's internal memory. In case all data is lost, the next time you switch on thedevice you will be prompted to restore the data.Certain models can only be used with external power. In this case, your device should beconnected to external power (car charger, wall charger, etc) at all times when being used.