85Taking care of your smartphoneactual pen or pencil or other sharp object on the screensurface.2. DO NOT expose your smartphone to rain or moisture. Donot let water enter the circuitry through the front panelbuttons or expansion slots. In general, treat yoursmartphone as you would a mobile phone or other smallelectronic device.3. DO be careful not to drop your smartphone or subject it toany strong impact. Do not place your smartphone in yourback pocket.4. DO NOT expose your smartphone to extreme temperatures.For example, do not leave your smartphone on thedashboard of a car on a hot day or when temperatures arebelow freezing point. Also, keep it away from heaters andother sources of heat.5. DO NOT use or store your smartphone in any location thatis dusty, damp or wet.6. DO use a soft, damp cloth to clean your smartphone. If thesurface of the screen becomes soiled, clean it with a softcloth moistened with diluted window-cleaning solution.7. DO NOT press down on the screen with force, otherwiseyou may crack the screen.