81Warnings and precautionsstorage media near the device, because information stored onthem may be erased.Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmitting equipment, includingwireless phones, may interfere with the functionality ofinadequately protected medical devices. Consult a physician orthe manufacturer of the medical device to determine if theyare adequately shielded from external RF energy or if you haveany questions. Switch off your device in health care facilitieswhen any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to doso. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipmentthat could be sensitive to external RF transmissions.Pacemakers. Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that aminimum separation of 15.3 cm (6") be maintained betweenwireless devices and a pacemaker to avoid potentialinterference with the pacemaker. These recommendations areconsistent with the independent research by andrecommendations of Wireless Technology Research. Personswith pacemakers should do the following:• Always keep the device more than 15.3 cm (6") fromthe pacemaker.• Not carry the device near your pacemaker when thedevice is switched on. If you suspect interference,switch off your device, and move it.Hearing aids. Some digital wireless devices may interfere withsome hearing aids. If interference occurs, consult your serviceprovider.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequatelyshielded electronic systems in motor vehicles such as electronicfuel injection systems, electronic antiskid (antilock) braking