74Error messagesHeat The phone heatsup whencharging ormaking longduration calls.It is normal for the phone to heat upwhen charging. When charging iscomplete, it will return to its normaltemperature.It is also normal for the phone to heatup during long periods of use, such as aduring a phone conversation orwatching a video.All Acer phones are factory testedbefore release.Error message DescriptionConnection canceled Operation canceled by the user.Service unavailable -please try again laterThe network is not stable, or server has notresponded. Try again later.Connection unavailable -please check your networksettingsNo path to the destination is available.Please check the settings in >Settings > Connections.If your Smartphone is connected to your PCvia USB, check both the PC's networksettings and ActiveSync settings (whenconnected via USB, GPRS/3G is not used).Note:Try using Internet Explorer to connect to awebsite to verify your network connection.Aspect Question Answer