61Personalizing your smartphoneNote: All the following connections allow your smartphone todownload the latest GPS data. If there is more than one connectionavailable, the system will automatically select the best connection,in the following order: Sync connection to PC; GPRS (not supportedwhen roaming).The system will update GPS data automatically based on aschedule.Check the Auto update checkbox.Set the date and time.You will see the expiration date of the GPS data. On the duedate, a warning message will appear to remind you.Alternatively, tap Download to update the GPS data manually.Important: You may be charged additional fees when connectingover GPRS.Personalizing your smartphoneYou can enter your personal informationto easily identify your smartphone. Thisis especially useful if it should ever belost or stolen. To enter ownerinformation, tap > Settings >Personal > Owner Information.Enter your name along with any otherinformation you want to store.Tap the Notes tab to add anyadditional notes.Tap OK to confirm and save.