60Streaming MediaNote: This application may not be available in your region or foryour language.Steaming Media allows you to viewstreamed video off the Internet directlyon your smartphone.If you try to open an audio or movievideo that is not supported by MicrosoftWindows Media Player, for exampleRTSP or HTTP, the system willautomatically switch to StreamingMedia.Alternatively, tap > StreamingMedia to manually launch the player.You can enter the address of the contentyou wish to access in the address bar.Tap anywhere on the playback window to display the contentfull-screen. Tap the screen again to return to the normaldisplay mode.Satellite Data UpdateImportant: Satellite Data Update is not supported in the USA.Tap > Settings > Utilities > Satellite.You may need to log into your provider’s server to downloadinstant satellite data and enable the GPS function.