50Assigning a ringtone and picture tospecific contactsYou can assign a specific ringtone and picture to a particularPhone contact so they are easily identifiable when they call.1. Tap > Contacts.2. Select the contact you want to edit by using the up anddown navigation buttons.3. Tap > Edit.4. Tap the picture of the contact to open My Pictures. Tap thedesired picture to assign a picture to the contact.5. Tap Ringtone and select a ringtone from the list.Connecting to a PC and installingsoftwareYou can use Microsoft ActiveSync (on Windows XP) or theWindows Mobile Device Center (on Windows Vista orWindows 7) to synchronize the information on your computerwith the information on your smartphone, comparing andupdating data on both locations. This serves as backup data incase something happens to your smartphone.Connecting to a PCThe packaged micro USB sync cable enables you to synchronizethe information on your smartphone with the data on yourcomputer using Windows Mobile Device Center, Windows SyncCenter or ActiveSync (depending on your operating systemand installation).