341. Tap Text ( ) from the Home screen. Select Inbox fromthe drop-down menu in the top left corner of themessaging screen.2. Tap > MMS Settings > MMS Profiles tab.3. Tap a profile from the list. Tap Edit to view the selectedprofile settings.4. Tap each field to adjust its setting. These fields should beautomatically configured by your network provider. If so,we recommend you leave them as they are.5. Tap Done once you have finished editing the profile.6. Tap Select to select the profile from the list and tap OK.Note: For further information on options available to you whenediting or creating MMS profiles, refer to the Help menus.Creating MMS messages1. Tap Text ( ). Then tap > New > MultimediaMessage and the message composition window appears.2. Enter the recipient (along with other recipients in the Ccand Bcc fields if necessary) and subject of the MMS.3. To attach a picture or video clip, tap Insert Picture/Video( ) and select the file you want to attach.4. To attach an audio file, tap Insert Audio and select the fileyou want to attach. The audio file will be displayed in themessage.5. To insert text, tap Insert Text and enter your message.All attachments and text will now be displayed in themessage window.6. Tap Send.