31The messaging screenChapter 4: MessagingThis chapter shows you how to set up and use the SMS, MMSand email functions of your smartphone.The messaging screenAll SMS, MMS and email messages are accessed via themessaging screen.To access the messaging screen, tapText ( ). Then tap the drop-downmenu in the top left corner of themessaging screen to view the folder list.All email accounts, SMS and MMSfolders are displayed here. Tap on theplus sign next to each folder to view thesub folder list. Each folder features thefollowing subfolders:• Deleted Items: Displays all messagesyou have selected to delete.Note: To completely erase messages, you will need to delete themfrom the Deleted Items folders as well. Tap > Tools > EmptyDeleted Items to accomplish this.• Drafts: Displays all draft messages.• Inbox: Displays all received messages.• Outbox: Displays messages waiting to be sent.• Sent Items: Displays all sent messages.