20Tap and hold: Tap and hold an item to see a list of actionsavailable for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tapthe action you want to perform.The onscreen keyboardYou can activate an onscreenkeyboard in certain applicationswhen entering data.Tap the keyboard icon at the bottomof the screen to display the keyboard.Tap again to hide the keyboard.Tap the arrow next to the keyboard symbol to select differentinput options.The Home screenAfter rebooting, your smartphone willdisplay the Home screen. This screengives you quick, icon-based access tomany of the frequently-used features ofyour smartphone.The first time you start your smartphone,you will see shortcuts on the screen.Mode DescriptionEasyKeyboardDisplays a standard keyboard with larger keys for easieruse. Tap to enter letters, numbers and use function keys.Keyboard Displays a compact keyboard.