50Language Learning FunctionThis MP3/Storage Drive enables users to listen to a particular limitedplayback repeatedly during normal playback. With this function, users willbe able to pay more concentration on the repeated playback and to achievethe result of learning language. To use this function, follow the instructionbelow:1. During normal playback, find the starting point of the repeatingplayback that you wish to set, and press the Fn button once.2. When you first press the Fn button, you will see the indication of A-appearing on the screen.3. Then, find the terminal point of the repeating playback that you wish toset, and press the Fn button again.4. When you press the Fn button the second time, you will see theindication of A-B appearing on the screen, and that means you have setthe repeating playback successfully.5. Once the indication of A-B appears on the screen, you will now hear therepeating playback that you set previously again and again.6. To cancel the repeating playback and return to the normal playback,press the Fn button again, and the indication of A-B will disappear fromthe Display.