4C ongratulations on becoming a new user of Acer Multi-functionalMP3/Storage Drive, the finely designed portable digital audio player. Yournew Acer Multi-functional MP3/Storage Drive will improve the convenienceof storing your personal data and the enjoyment of using various audiofunctions. We are proud to tell our users that Acer Multi-functionalMP3/Storage Drive is thoroughly tested and backed by our reputation forunsurpassed dependability and customer satisfaction.Acer Multi-functional MP3/Storage Drive is a high performance portabledigital audio player that enables users to play MP3 or WMA audio files,listen in to the FM radio broadcast, and have favorable program recorded inAcer Multi-functional MP3/Storage Drive’s memory. In addition to thefunctions that just now mentioned, Acer Multi-functional MP3/StorageDrive also works as a portable USB data-storing device that enables users tostore their personal data in the memory of Acer Multi-functionalMP3/Storage Drive. Here are the five main distinguishing features of AcerMulti-functional MP3/Storage Drive: Audio Player –supports MP3 and WMA audio files. FM Radio Broadcasting – provides the function of receiving FM Radiofrequency. Users are able to save ten FM station memory and havethe FM program recorded while listening to the radio. Voice or Radio Program Recording – provides synchronous recordingfunction for voice or FM radio program. Language Learning Function – enables users to listen to a particularlimited playback repeatedly during normal playback. With thisfunction, users will be able to pay more concentration on the repeatedplayback and to achieve the result of learning language.