30Editing Sound Tracks (Files)1. Press the Play/Pause「 」button to power on the MP3/Storage Drive.If there is no sound track added in the memory of this drive, you willread the massage as below on the screen.2. Remove the USB connector cap, and then plug one end of the suppliedUSB cable to your computer, and plug the other end to theMP3/Storage Drive.3. Once the MP3/Storage Drive is connected to the computer, you will seethe screen shown as below.4. Go to Start Î Program ÎWindows Explore ÎMP3/Storage Drive.5. Select the desired sound tracks (files) from your own folder, and movethem into the MP3/Storage Drive. While the selected sound tracks(files) is transferring to the MP3/Storage Drive, a message will shown asbelow.Note: Do not disconnect the MP3/Storage Drive from the computer whilethe file transferring is still on going, otherwise it may cause somesystem failure.