AcerISDN P10 User Manual41.3 AcerISDN P10 FeaturesThe AcerISDN P10 supports many standard and enhanced featuresthat allow you to make full use of the bundled application program,including the following:♦ Fully Plug and Play compatible♦ Supports both 16-bit and 32-bit CAPI VxD (Virtual DeviceDrivers) for Windows 95 and NT♦ Supports TAPI and NDIS WAN miniport drivers forWindows 95 and NT♦ Supports Multilink PPP (MP) for 128Kbps (two B channels)internet access and data transfer♦ Supports X.75, T.70NL, ISO8208, T.90, and HDLCtransparent protocols on the B channel for T-Online, AOL,CompuServe, BTX, BBS, Eurofile transfer, and G4 Fax.♦ Has support for a bit-transparent driver on the B channel foranswering machine and G3 Fax functions♦ Supports both V.110 and V.120 rate adaptation♦ Supports COM port simulation for modem-based applicationprogramsIf you want to send and receive the Group 3 (G3)fax at 14.4Kbps, you should have a Pentiumprocessor.This concludes Chapter 1. Chapter 2 covers the installation of theAcerISDN P10.