Chapter 1Introduction1.1 An Overview of the AcerISDN P101.1.1 What is ISDN?ISDN is an abbreviation for Integrated Services Digital Network.ISDN transfers information digitally and integrates alltelecommunication services (such as telephone, teletext, videotex,etc.) into a single network. Using ISDN, you can transfer text,voice, data files, images, and even video.Before the use of ISDN, telecommunications operated using analogdevices, which limited the quality of telecommunication transfers.With ISDN technology, the telephone lines can transmit datadigitally with much greater speed and clarity of transmission thanwith analog transmissions. The ISDN is capable of transmitting allkinds of information at greatly accelerated rates. A typical modemtransmission has a rate of 9.6Kbps (kilobits per second or thousandbits per second) to 33.6Kbps. ISDN digital technology allowstransfer rates of up to 128Kbps.