AcerISDN P10 User Manual32ErrorMessagePossibleCause RemedyCannot activate S0interfaceThe ISDN line isnot connected.Ensure that the ISDNS0 line is securelyconnected to the RJ-45 jack.Cannot establishLAPD linkThe ISDN line maybe malfunctioning.Ensure that the ISDNS0 line is in goodcondition.Connecting fail(error code = xxxx)1. Own ISDNNumber isincorrect.2. Other deviceson the sameS0 line areoccupying theB channel.3. The ISDNprotocol iswrong.1. Ensure that yourISDN number iscorrect.2. Be sure no otherdevice is on thesame S0 line andoccupying the Bchannel3. Check to see ifthe ISDN protocolis E-DSS1.Data transfer error The ISDN line isnot in goodconditionCheck the ISDN line