Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting31The resource (IRQ and I/O Port) information ofsome PCI cards is not registered in Windows NTsystem. You must choose free resources that arenot used by the PCI cards.ErrorMessagePossibleCause RemedyIRQ assignmenterror1. IRQ is inconflict or theRegistrationkey has beendestroyed.1. Same as PnP fail(for Windows 95).2. The ISDN cardis not installedin the PC.2. Ensure that theISDN card issecurely seated inthe ISA slot.I/O Port assignmenterrorThere is an I/OPort conflict or theRegistration keyhas beendestroyedSame as PnP fail (forWindows 95).IRQ and I/O Portassignment errorThe ISDN card isnot installed in thePC.Ensure that the ISDNcard is securelyseated in the ISA slot.Resource usageconflictThe IRQ and I/OPort have beenused by otherhardware.Manually change theIRQ and I/O Port.Please input yourown numberThe subscribernumber of yourown ISDN line hasnot been entered.Key in the subscribernumber of your ISDNline in the Own ISDNNumber box.