AcerISDN P10 User Manual30ErrorMessagePossibleCause RemedyPnP fail(for Windows 95)Registration keyhas beendestroyed.1. Uninstall theAcerISDN P10driver.2. Shut down the PCand remove theISDN card.3. Start the PC anduse the Add NewHardware Wizardin the ControlPanel to searchfor new hardware.4. Shut down the PCand re-install theAcerISDN P10according toChapter 2.PnP fail(for Windows NT)1. PnP function isnot availablefor autosetting.1. Manually set theIRQ and I/O Port.(see note)2. The ISDN cardis not installedin the PC.2. Ensure that theISDN card issecurely seated inthe ISA slot.