Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting29If the HDD was moved from another PC, youshould use the Add New Hardware Wizard in theControl Panel to search for the new hardware. Itwill ensure that the configuration information ofthe PC will be consistently stored in the HDD.ErrorMessagePossibleCause RemedyA required .DLL file,CAPI2032.DLL,was not found.CAPI2032.DLL hasbeen deleted or theinstallation isincomplete.Uninstall and thenreinstall the AcerISDNP10 driver.You are not allowedto run this program.CAPI2032.DLL isnot from AcerISDNP10 package.Uninstall and thenreinstall the AcerISDNP10 driver.File CAPI2032.DLLcan not start.Check the file todetermine theproblem.K514S.VXD hasbeen deleted or theinstallation isincomplete.Uninstall and thenreinstall the AcerISDNP10 driver.CAPI VxD is notloaded.The Registrationkey has beendestroyed.Uninstall and thenreinstall the AcerISDNP10 driver.No recognizedISDN card.The ISDN card isnot properlyinstalled.Uninstall and thenreinstall the AcerISDNP10 hardware anddriver.