Chapter 2 — Installation254. For the Dial-Up Networking 1.2, select the “Multilink”tab to display the “Set Additional Devices” dialog.5. As for the ISDN Accelerator Pack 1.1, you will see asection labelled “Set Additional Devices” at the bottom ofthe “General” tab. Click on the “Settings” button todisplay the “Set Additional Devices” dialog.6. On the “Set Additional Devices” dialog, click on the “UseAdditional Devices” radio button.7. Use this dialog to specify the devices to be bundledtogether to form the “multilink” connection.8. Use the “Add”, “Remove”, and “Edit” buttons to changethe list of additional devices.9. You may enter a different phone number for each device,and both phone numbers will be stored. If yousubsequently change the phone number for the connectionicon, the phone numbers associated with additionaldevices on this page will not change.After your additional devices are configured, you are ready to dialyour multilink connection. Once the connections are established,you can view status information about the link by double clicking onthe “communicating computers” icon displayed in the taskbar.The status information includes the number of bytes sent andreceived, the network protocols negotiated for use on theconnection, and a list box showing each of the additional devices.As you highlight a device in the list box, a “Suspend” or “Resume”button is displayed.If a Suspend button is displayed, then the device is now in use and“bundled” into the multilink connection. Clicking on the “Suspend”button disconnects that line and removes the line from the bundledconnections.