AcerISDN P10 User Manual242.6 Using Multilink in Windows 95While you installing the AcerISDN P10 in Windows 95, theMicrosoft ISDN Accelerator Pack 1.1 or Dial-Up Networking 1.2will also be installed. It includes updates to Windows 95 Dial-UpNetworking to support the combining of two 64Kbps data channelsinto the equivalent of a single 128Kbps line.To use multilink, the answering Internet ServiceProvider (ISP), online service or corporate LANmust provide multilink capabilities.To configure multilink support in Windows 95, please follow thesesteps.1. Double click on the “My Computer” icon on yourWindows 95 Desktop, then double click on the “Dial-UpNetworking” (DUN) folder.2. The DUN folder displays an icon labelled “Make NewConnection”, plus icons for each of the connections thatyou have already created. If you have not yet created aconnection, double click on “Make New Connection” todefine a connection to the dial up service you wish to use.3. When you have created your connection, or if theconnection you wish to use for multilink access alreadyexists in the folder, use the mouse to right click on theconnection icon. Choose the “Properties” option. Thisdisplays a dialog box with several category tabs at thetop.