AcerISDN P10 User ManualiiCE/EMC Restriction of LiabilityThe product described in this handbook was designed, produced andapproved according to the EMC-regulations and is certified to be withinEMC limitations.If the product is used in an uncertified PC, Acer Netxus Inc. undertakes nowarranty in respect to the EMC limits. The described product in thishandbook was constructed, produced and certified so that the measuredvalues are within EMC limitations. In practice and under specialcircumstances, it may be possible, that the product may be outside of thegiven limits if it is used in a PC that is not produced under EMCcertification. It is also possible in certain cases and under specialcircumstances, which the given EMC peak values will become out oftolerance. In these cases, the user himself is responsible for compliancewith the EMC limits.Acer Netxus Inc. refuses all liability claims and may not be liable in anycases, which may occur in the practical use of the product outside of theEMC limitation.