AcerISDN P10 User Manual62.2 Installing the ISDN CardPlease refer to the following instructions and figures for installationprocedures:Many expansion cards are packaged in an anti-static pouch to protect them from electrostaticdischarge, which can damage components on theboard. Make sure you are properly grounded,i.e., wearing a grounding band, before removingthe card from its anti-static pouch. Groundingbands are readily available at many computerand electronics stores. An easier yet less effectiveway to discharge static electricity is to touch alarge metal object that is already properlygrounded.1. Turn off the power to your computer and all peripheralssuch as your monitor or printer.2. Remove the computer system cover unit.3. Remove the bracket from any unused 16-bit expansionslot. Set the bracket screw aside.4. Gently insert the AcerISDN P10 card into the expansionslot. Make sure that the card is securely seated in theslot. If the connection is not secure, the card will notwork.5. Secure the AcerISDN P10 card with the bracket screwthat you removed in step 3.