52EnglishNotice for New Zealand1 The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicatesonly that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimumconditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement ofthe product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Aboveall, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respectswith another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make ormodel, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all ofTelecom's network services.2 This equipment is not capable, under all operating conditions, of correctoperation at the higher speeds for which it is designed. Telecom will acceptno responsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances.3 Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom's Telepermitrequirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with thisdevice. The associated equipment shall be set to operate within thefollowing limits for compliance with Telecom's Specifications:a There shall be no more than 10 call attempts to the same numberwithin any 30 minute period for any single manual call initiation, andb The equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 30seconds between the end of one attempt and the beginning of thenext call attempt.4 Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom's Telepermitrequirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with thisdevice. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with Telecom'sspecifications, the associated equipment shall be set to ensure thatautomatic calls to different numbers are spaced such that there is not lessthan 5 seconds between the end of one call attempt and the beginningof another.5 This equipment shall not be set up to make automatic calls to Telecom's111 Emergency Service.6 This device is equipped with pulse dialing while the Telecom standard isDTMF tone dialing. There is no guarantee that Telecom lines will alwayscontinue to support pulse dialing.7 Use of pulse dialing, when this equipment is connected to the same line asother equipment, may give rise to bell tinkle or noise and may also cause afalse answer condition. Should such problems occur, the user should NOTcontact the telecom Fault Service.8 This equipment may not provide for the effective hand-over of a call toanother device connected to the same line.9 Under power failure conditions this appliance may not operate. Pleaseensure that a separate telephone, not dependent on local power, isavailable for emergency use.