24EnglishBattery packThe computer uses a battery pack that gives you long use betweencharges.Battery pack characteristicsThe battery pack has the following characteristics:• Employs current battery technology standards.• Delivers a battery-low warning.The battery is recharged whenever you connect the computer to theAC adapter. Your computer supports charge-in-use, enabling you torecharge the battery while you continue to operate the computer.However, recharging with the computer turned off results in asignificantly faster charge time.The battery will come in handy when you travel or during a powerfailure. It is advisable to have an extra fully charged battery packavailable as backup. Contact your dealer for details on ordering a sparebattery pack.Maximizing the battery's lifeLike all other batteries, your computer's battery will degrade overtime. This means that the battery's performance will diminish withtime and use. To maximize your battery's life, you are advised toadhere to the recommendations set out below.Conditioning a new battery packBefore you use a battery pack for the first time, there is a"conditioning" process that you should follow:1 Insert the new battery without turning the computer on.2 Connect the AC adapter and fully charge the battery.3 Disconnect the AC adapter.4 Turn on the computer and operate using battery power.5 Fully deplete the battery until the battery-low warning appears.6 Reconnect the AC adapter and fully charge the battery again.