21English and allows you to drag the display area to view different portions of thevideo.Audio:Use Speaker Environment to choose between Headphones, SPDIF, 2 Speakers ormore speakers depending on your audio equipment.Output Mode should be set to Stereo if you are using speakers, Dolby Surround,or Virtual Surround Sound if you are using headphones. You can select from avariety of Virtual Surround Sound settings to create the effects of differentvenues.Note: If your speakers are not capable of outputting low-frequency signals, it is recommended that you do not selectVirtual Surround Sound, in order to avoid damagingyour speakers.Audio Channel Expander should be used for better 4- or 6-speaker output.Dynamic Range Compression can compensate for different listeningenvironments for enhanced audio enjoyment.Photo:Use this page to set preferences for your slideshow when viewing photos.DVD:Acer Arcade Deluxe has several features and technologies to extend battery lifewhile watching DVD movies. On this page, you can select whether you wish toturn the features off or not.Note: Turning on Extend Playback Time, will result in a small lossof playback performance.Flickr:Set your preferences for viewing and downloading images from Flickr.In each of the above sections, you can click Default to return the Acer ArcadeDeluxe settings to their default values