18EnglishGeneral controlsWhen watching video clips, movies or slideshows using full-screen resolution,two pop-up control panels are shown when you move the pointer. Theyautomatically disappear after several seconds. The Navigation Controls panelappears at the top and the Player Controls panel appears at the bottom of thescreen.Navigation controlsTo return to the Arcade home page, click the Home button in the upper-leftcorner of the window. To go up one folder level while searching for content,click the arrow. The buttons in the upper right (minimize, maximize, close) havestandard PC behaviors.To quit Arcade, click the Close button in the upper right corner of the window.Player controlsAt the bottom of the window, the player controls — used for video, slideshows,movies and music — are shown. They provide standard playback controls (play,pause, stop, etc.) and volume controls (mute and volume up/down).Note: When playing movies from optical discs, there areadditional controls added to the right of the volume controls.These are discussed in more detail in the Cinema of this guide.CinemaPlay Movie:Click Play Movie to watch a movie from your optical disc drive. Depending inthe type of optical drive installed in your computer, you can play movies fromBlu-Ray discs, standard DVDs and video CDs (VCDs) with the Cinema function ofAcer Arcade Deluxe. This player has the features and controls of a typical DVDplayer.When you insert a disk into the DVD drive, the movie begins playingautomatically. To control the movie, the pop-up player control panel appears atthe bottom of the window when you move the pointer.If more than one optical drive contains a playable disc, you will be asked toselect which one you would like to watch when you click Play Movie.Alternatively, you can select content stored on your HDD by clicking Videos andnavigating to the video clip you wish to view using a folder browser.When viewing DVDs, the following special controls are added to the pop-uppanel:DVD Menu