1English TouchpadThe built-in touchpad is a pointing device that senses movement on its surface.This means the cursor responds as you move your finger across the surface ofthe touchpad. The central location on the palmrest provides optimum comfortand support.Touchpad basics (with fingerprint reader)The following items show you how to use thetouchpad with Acer Bio-Protection fingerprintreader.Move your finger across the touchpad (1)to move the cursor.Press the left (2) and right (4) buttonslocated beneath the touchpad to performselection and execution functions. Thesetwo buttons are similar to the left andright buttons on a mouse. Tapping on thetouchpad is the same as clicking the left button.Use Acer Bio-Protection fingerprint reader (3) supporting Acer FingerNav4-way control function (only for certain models) to scroll up or down andmove left or right a page. This fingerprint reader or button mimics yourcursor pressing on the right scroll bar of Windows applications.Function Leftbutton (2)Rightbutton (4) Main touchpad (1) Center button (3)Execute Quickly clicktwice.Tap twice (at thesame speed asdouble-clicking amouse button).Select Click once. Tap once.Drag Click andhold, thenuse fingeron thetouchpad todrag thecursor.Tap twice (at thesame speed asdouble-clicking amouse button); restyour finger on thetouchpad on thesecond tap and dragthe cursor.AccesscontextmenuClick once.Scroll Swipe up/down/left/right using AcerFingerNav 4-waycontrol function(Manufacturingoption).1 2 3 4