xiiiFirst things firstWe would like to thank you for making an Acer notebook your choice formeeting your mobile computing needs.Your guidesTo help you use your Acer notebook, we have designed a set of guides:First off, the Just for Starters...poster helps you get started with setting up yourcomputer.The printed Aspire Series Generic User Guide contains useful informationapplying to all models in the Aspire product series. It covers basic topics such asAcer eRecovery Management, using the keyboard, Audio, etc. Pleaseunderstand that due to its nature, the Generic User Guide as well as theAcerSystem User Guide mentioned below will occasionally refer to functions orfeatures which are only contained in certain models of the series, but notnecessarily in the model you purchased. Such instances are marked in the textwith language such as "only for certain models".The printed Quick Guide introduces you to the basic features and functions ofyour new computer. For more on how your computer can help you to be moreproductive, please refer to the AcerSystem User Guide. This guide containsdetailed information on such subjects as system utilities, data recovery,expansion options and troubleshooting. In addition it contains warrantyinformation and the general regulations and safety notices for your notebook.It is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) and comes preloaded on yournotebook. Follow these steps to access it:1 Click on Start, All Programs, AcerSystem.2 Click on AcerSystem User Guide.Note: Viewing the file requires Adobe Reader. If Adobe Reader isnot installed on your computer, clicking on AcerSystem User Guidewill run the Adobe Reader setup program first. Follow theinstructions on the screen to complete the installation. Forinstructions on how to use Adobe Reader, access the Help andSupport menu.Basic care and tips for using your computerTurning your computer on and offTo turn on the computer, simply press and release the power button below theLCD screen beside the easy-launch buttons. Please refre to "Quick Guide" forthe location of the power button.