BIOS Utility4-13You may do any of the following:• Select the type that corresponds to your IDE hard disk drive.• If you do not know the exact type of your IDE device, selectthe Auto option to let the BIOS utility automatically detectthe installed IDE drive type.• You may save the values under the option User. The nexttime you boot the system, the BIOS utility does not have toauto-configure your IDE drive as it detects the saved diskinformation during POST.We recommend that you copy the IDE disk drivevalues and keep them in a safe place in caseyou have to reconfigure the disk in the future.• If you have installed an IDE hard disk that was previouslyformatted but does not use the disk native parameters orstructure, i.e., the disk may be formatted according to theuser-specified number of cylinders, heads, and sectors,select the User option. Then enter the appropriate driveinformation.• If there is no device connected, choose None.To configure an IDE device designated as slave:1. Select the IDE Primary Channel Slave option to display itsmenu.2. Highlight the parameter Type, then press or to display theIDE drive types with their respective values for cylinder, head,sector, and size. Refer to the above procedure for configuring amaster device to configure the slave device.