BIOS Utility4-54.2.3 Bus FrequencyThe Bus Frequency parameter specifies the system external clock.The bus frequency can be either 66 or 100 MHz.4.2.4 L1 CacheThis parameter specifies the first-level or the internal memory size(i.e., the memory integrated into the CPU), and whether it is enabledor disabled.4.2.5 L2 CacheThis parameter specifies the second-level cache memory sizecurrently supported by the system, and whether it is enabled ordisabled.4.2.6 Floppy Drive AThis parameter specifies the type of drive designated as Floppy DriveA.4.2.7 Floppy Drive BThis parameter specifies the system’s current Floppy Drive B settings.4.2.8 IDE Primary Channel MasterThis parameter specifies the current configuration of the IDE deviceconnected to the master port of the primary IDE channel.4.2.9 IDE Primary Channel SlaveThis parameter specifies the current configuration of the IDE deviceconnected to the slave port of the primary IDE channel.