BIOS Utility4-34.2 System InformationThe following screen appears if you select System Information fromthe main menu:System Information Page 1/2Processor.......................Pentium II Xeon™Processor MHzBus MHzL1 Cache........................xx KB, EnabledL2 KB, EnabledFloppy Drive A..................x.xx MB, x.x-inchFloppy Drive B..................NoneIDE Primary Channel Master ......NoneIDE Primary Channel Slave .......NoneTotal MB1st Bank ......................None2nd Bank ......................None3rd Bank ......................None4th Bank ......................EDOPgDn/PgUp = Move Screen, Esc = Back to Main MenuThe System Information menu shows the current basic configurationof your system.The command line at the bottom of the menu tells you how to movefrom one screen to another and return to the main menu.Press to move to the next page or to return to the previouspage.Press to return to the main menu.