vii$ERXW WKLV 0DQXDOGetting StartedThis system guide aims to give you all the necessary information toenable you to set up and operate the AcerAltos 21000 system.Manual StructureThis system guide consists of five chapters and an index.Chapter 1 Getting StartedThis chapter helps you get started. It illustrates how to preparethe system for installation, connect the cables, and start up thesystem.Chapter 2 System HousingThis chapter describes the assembly and disassembly of thesystem housing. It also shows you how to install the mainboard, power supply, fan module, storage devices, and otherhousing components.Chapter 3 System BoardsThis chapter describes the main board, the memory board, theSCSI backplane board, and the LCD display module. Also, Itintroduces the system’s unique features and powerfularchitecture. It includes a brief introduction of the newgeneration Intel Pentium II Xeon processor that forms the heartof the AcerAltos 21000 system.Chapter 4 BIOS UtilityThis chapter explains the BIOS parameter functions. It tellshow to configure the system by setting the parameters.