System Housing2-9This item displays the hot-swap redundant switching power supplyand fan module condition. It will only display the number of availablehot-swap redundant switching power supplies and fan modulesinstalled in the system. If any of the SPS or fan modules malfunction,an error message will be displayed and logged into the Event Log forlater viewing.FuseKB/Mouse : OKUSB1 : OKUSB2 : OKSCSI1 : OKSCSI2 : OK BackThis item displays the fuse condition for the keyboard, mouse, USBdevices, and SCSI devices. If any of the fuses break down, an errormessage will be displayed and logged into the Event Log for laterviewing.Event Log SubmenuEvent: 612:31 10/29’1998PS/2 KeyboardInterface Error>Down Up BackThe Event Log monitors and records any event that occurs duringboot-up and during the operation of the system. Whenever an eventoccurs, the event log will immediately display the event and then logit into the event log table.