2-8AcerAltos 21000 System GuideThis item displays the voltage reading of the CPU, L2 cache, andothers. It will only display the number of available CPU inside thesystem. Whenever the voltage exceeds the required threshold, anerror message will be displayed and logged into the Event Log forlater viewing.FanHFAN1: OKHFAN2: OKHFAN3: OKHFAN4: OKHFAN5: OKHFAN6: OK BackThis item displays the hot-swap redundant fan condition. It will onlydisplay the number of available hot-swap redundant fan installed inthe system. If any of the fans stop working, an error message will bedisplayed and logged into the Event Log for later viewing.PowerPower FanSPS1: OK OKSPS2: OK OKFM3 : OK OKFM: Fan Module Back