IntroductionxviiServer ManagementThe system comes with the ASM Pro feature that monitors voltagestability and CPU temperature, prevents data loss by prompt ECCmemory error reporting, maximizes system resources by indicatingthe PCI bus utilization, and promotes efficiency by minimizing systemdowntime.A feature related to ASM Pro is Remote Diagnostic Management(RDM) that permits system diagnosis from a remote site through amodem. RDM facilitates the fixing of detected problems, changingsystem configurations or rebooting in the event of system failure.Hot-swappable Redundant Power Supply SubsystemThe system comes with a power backplane that holds up to three 430-watt power supply modules. The power subsystem supports aredundant configuration such that even if one power supply fails, theremaining two continue to work together to supply 860-watt power to afully-configured system. You can also replace a faulty power supplymodule without opening the system housing or shutting down thesystem. See section 2.5 for more information.Hot-swappable Redundant Housing FanThe system comes with four housing fans that ventilate the systemhousing. In the event that any one of the fans fails to operate, youcan simply replace it without shutting down the system. See section2.6 for more information.SecurityThe system housing comes with mechanical security locks on thefront panel to prevent unauthorized access to the internal componentsand system use. Also, a microswitch located on the left side of thehousing panel warns you of intrusion.