xviAcerAltos 21000 System GuideSystem Architecture464bit @ 100MHz GTL + Deschute FSB 800MB/s64bit @ 100MHz GTL + Deschute FSB 800MB/sXeon-CPU2512K/1M/2M Cache450NXMIOCXeon-CPU3512K/1M/2M Cache1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 1112 1314 15162/4 Way Interleave ECC Memory800MB/sRCGs + MUXsXeon-CPU1512K/1M/2M CacheXeon-CPU4512K/1M/2M CacheF16 Bus 400MB/sPCI ExpanderBridgePCI ExpanderBridgeDualUltra25PCI Bus 1PCI Bus 132 bit PCISlot * 4PIIX4ePIIX4ePCI Bus 032 bit PCISlot * 3A.S.M.R.D.M.S I/O1 2I/OAPICI/OAPICBIOSBIOSISASlot*13 6 7KBCKBCCD-ROMBMIDE HDDUSBVGAVGALANLAN64bit @100MHz GTL +16 bit @ 200MHz133MB/s133MB/sThe system includes a main and memory subsystems with four Slot 2processors and voltage regulators for the processors. The memorysubsystem runs in 100 MHz timing and has a maximum size of up to4GB.Six PCI and 1 PCI/ISA shared slots are also incorporated for fastexpandable I/O capabilities.There are two LVD SCSI (Ultra-2) channels for high performancestorage devices and one Narrow SCSI channel for backup (i.e., tapedrives) or CD-ROM devices.A high-speed 10/100Mbit Ethernet controller and a PCI VGA deviceare also provided.For more information about the main board see section 3.1.